IPv6 support u_int8_t mask2prefixlen(in_addr_t ina) { if (ina == 0) return (0); else return (33 - ffs(ntohl(ina))); } u_int8_t mask2prefixlen6(struct sockaddr_in6 *sa_in6) { u_int8_t l = 0, i, len; /* * sin6_len is the size of the sockaddr so substract the offset of * the possibly truncated sin6_addr struct. */ len = sa_in6->sin6_len - (u_int8_t)(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)NULL)->sin6_addr); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* this "beauty" is adopted from sbin/route/show.c ... */ switch (sa_in6->sin6_addr.s6_addr[i]) { case 0xff: l += 8; break; case 0xfe: l += 7; return (l); case 0xfc: l += 6; return (l); case 0xf8: l += 5; return (l); case 0xf0: l += 4; return (l); case 0xe0: l += 3; return (l); case 0xc0: l += 2; return (l); case 0x80: l += 1; return (l); case 0x00: return (l); default: fatalx("non continguous inet6 netmask"); } } return (l); }